Detective Conan
Detective Conan
Detective Conan is one of the most famous cartoon from Japan in the world. Lots of people from different countries like this cartoon. That is a cartoon about reasoning. A detective who is a senior high school's student named Kudou Shinichi find two persons' wrongful trading. The two people are in a big dark organization and they find Kudou Shinichi is follow them. They stun him and feeding a poison which can let the person to die to him. The lucky thing is that he is still live but he changed like a 7-year-old boy. This cartoon describe he hide in his childhood sweetheart, Maoriland's house and help her father to solve the case and seek the clue of that organization. All of this cartoon make me feel tension and excited. And it let me knoe a lot of things. I should carefully to do every things and don't let go of any details.
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